production blog: Sound off 1, 2!

Along with editing, having good sound quality is super important to this project. That is why I wanted the scores in this film to be perfect. To do this, I spent hours a day trying to come up with the best compisitions of music I could think of. I made sure each one matched the scenes emotional value to a "T". Using the recording studio app, Garage Band, I could record music from my guitar, key board, violin and even my sound board. This didn't come without its own set of issues, however. To record sound into the app, you need a USB port adaptater to connect to a 1/4th inch tip sleeve input. I already had both of these things, but i was concerned on how i was going to add in a violin. This is because it dosent have a tip sleeve input which is what brings sound from the instrument to the recording app. This is where I had to get creative. I dropped an airpod into the violin's F-hole (where the sound comes out) and recorded sound from my airpods into Garage Band. With this, I sent each seperate audio file to Jordyn. When she recieved the clips she was able to incorperate them into her editing process. In the editing software, you can add audio files to play under the video clips. Once we start this, Jordyn and i need to work together to put the audio in the correct places.


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