filming blog: main scenes

for the first real day of filming, me, sabrina, and celine came to my house to film. the group filmed the opening scenes of the office. i had to wait until michael came to finsih the rest of the filming. once he got here, the group went to the specified park to film some scenes. once back back at the house, micheal needed to do the bloddy scenes. me and sabrina took him outside and got the fake blood. the blood was splattered all over his white shirt and i made handprints to make it look like there was a struggle. next, i made fake bruises on his eye and cheekbone. we went to a dark room to take a mugshot, and it turned out good. after that, me and sabrina wrote the credits on the case files and filmed that scene. after that, the group looked through the scenes that were complete. the ones that were best went onto a seperate album to keep them safe and organised. once that was complete, everybody went home. we decided that since we are going to continue to film at my house, the props will be kept there. there are still a few scenes to film, so everybody will meet again on the 27th of march to finish. the meeting place is the same, and we will be utalising a fake prop ciggerette. it is extremely realistic but it is just paper and paint. the lighter is old and no longer works so a fire is not a possibility. the saftey measures are the same and there is always an adult present.


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