title research: se7en
Another movie we looked at was a movie named “Se7ven”. I found this movie off the website of “WatchtheTitles”. The movie showed four main titles, one displaying the studios, one displaying the acting, one for the producers and the last one being all the main crew workers who developed the script, directors. For example, studios like “New Line Cinema” were shown. Some images that are prioritized are images that are clues or “hints” to what to uncover. Connotations that follow these images are ones of suspense and mystery. Due to that they are working on a police case you can tell they are trying to uncover something so it provides like a mysterious connotation of unknowingness. The film automatically gives us this feel from the crossing out of clues from the police case and makes it known to the audience that they are trying to uncover something or someone. The film also uses this eerie music to continue to pursue feelings of mystery and provides a feeling of fearing the unknown and that we as the audience should be scared of what we do not know. The movie makes use of the overlapping of scenes to make it look like they have been trying to solve this mystery for hours. They also use well known case-solving tropes such as connecting photos together, flipping through pages to make it seem like they are trying to solve this mystery. It also seems like they are placing clips of what the main antagonist is doing to hook mystery lovers into finding out why. The technology available was definitely used to the maximum potential. They constantly overlap takes on top of each other and use jump cuts to jump from title to title. They also implement scenes that set up the story to keep the watcher invested so they don’t feel like they miss something important. They also used implemented music to keep the watcher on the edge of their seat and they used distortion of the music to keep up the suspense and theme. They used extreme close ups to show the case file and what the antagonist was doing. This technology helped keep the attention of the audience. Without the technology I doubt that they would keep the attention a the title sequence would keep the audience intrigued into what was going on. The movies opening titles keep the audience hooked through its technology usage and its suspense.
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