genre research: thriller

• Angles, Shots, and movements o High angle shots are used to make characters seem powerless. o Birds eye view gives the effect that whatever is shown appears to be vulnerable. o Close ups are used to show a character’s emotions and reactions to whatever is happening in the scene. Details are also emphasized. o Panning/tracking makes it look like a character is being followed. It also allows the viewers to have a view of what is going on. It builds suspense and tension for the film. o Tilted angles add a dramatic feeling and make it feel like the camera is the character. o Extreme long shots are used to show what something looks like as well as the atmosphere around it. o Low angle shots make viewers feel weak. It also shows how powerful an enemy is. o Zoom shots show a dramatic effect that creates fear of what is going to happen next. • Mis-en-Scene o Normal clothing is seen in the thriller genre. This adds realism to the film and makes viewers feel like they are being the character in the film. o There are many different forms of lighting. Low level lighting is used to show suspense and a mystery feeling. It also creates shadows to create fear and surprise to the audience. Color is sometimes used to show a connection to character’s emotions in the movie. o The setting for thriller movies is usually in a dark place, or claustrophobic spaces are used to make it seem like viewers are inside of a character’s mind. o Makeup is limited to thriller movies to make it seem more relatable for people. Messy/smudged makeup can also be seen to show that someone was crying/sad. o Props that are used can be weapons because there are fights that happen in these films. • Editing o Fast and slow-paced editing is commonly used in these films. This conveys emotion and creates suspense. o Fast cutting is used to allow the audience to predict what will happen. o Flashbacks and montages are also commonly used to show the audience an insight into the character • Sound o Diegetic sound is used to create a feeling of realism, an example of this being used would be a girl screaming or someone stepping on something. o Non-diegetic sound can make the film very suspenseful by adding a soundtrack/voiceover. The sound of a piano would make the scene feel dramatic. • Elements to use o Most shots and angles are essential for thriller movies. High angle shots, zoom angles, extreme long shots, and close ups would be necessary to create fear and suspense. A dark setting would be extremely helpful as well as dark and dim lighting. o Make-up will help with the dramatic effect as well as the costumes. • Elements to avoid o Non-diegetic sound can be a bit overused and takes away from the real effect. I would use less non-dietic and more diegetic sound. o There are also many props used in thriller movies so some props can be removed.


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