Genre Research: Last Night in Soho

Genre Research: Last Night in Soho (Sabrina) Angles, Shots and Movement · Fast camera movements are used to display the characters' blurring sense of reality and makes audiences question what is true and what is not. · Zoom ins are used to portray the character fading from out and separating from her reality. · Over the shoulder shots are used for scenes where another character pulls the main character out from delusions. Mis-en-Scene · The characters make-up is used to portray different emotional states that they go through. · The lighting in scenes is used to help portray moments of delusions. · The characters outfits used are also used to portray different emotional phases they go through. · Throughout the movie the acting changes. In the beginning they act innocent, and curious, however throughout they become more delusional as they unravel the mystery. Editing · Quick cuts are also used to portray moments of blurred reality. · Dissolving is used to hint at two or more things that may be connected. · Eye-line matches are used to make people suspicious of people and connections. · Voiceovers can be used to mislead people into thinking one thing happened and it really did not. Sound · Sound bridges are used to portray the characters moving from dream states to reality or vice versa. · Diegetic sound is used to carry over from states of mystery to keep audiences guessing. · Incidental music is used to build up moments to the reveal of the conclusion of the mystery. · Sound Motifs help build what characters intentions are what they may have done. What elements that I liked. I liked the diverse ways used to portray the delicious a character has. For example, the way lighting is used, and how the acting of the character would change. I also liked how the character emotional states were portrayed through, costuming and make-up. 6 / 10 What I Did not Like Some things that I did not like were certain camera movements such as quick ones, cause even they used to portray mystery sometimes it can happen so fast the audience will not know what is going on. I also did not like the voiceovers because even though they can be necessary they also help people not realize what is going on.


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