production blog: editing the day away!

Hello! Once I relaxed from 2 very stressfull days of filming, jordyn was finally able to edit! Firstly, we sat together and watched all of the final clips that we decided on using, and temporarily using IMovie to combine them together. From experience, Jordyn has stated that she perfers IMovie to other editing apps like Divinci Resolve 18, IMovie being much more simple. While jordyn worked on the actual editing, Aja and I gave feedback and opinions on different effects and transition ideas. Aja was very helpful in getting the exact moment that the clips needed to be cut at. Jordyn and i made sure we had all of the clips combined before she switched apps to Davinci Resolve 18. After all of this,we still had about 2 minutes and 30 seconds of time to use up. Then, Jordyn downloaded all of the clips, and sent them to my computer to edit on. While it is my laptop, we decided Jordyn would edit on it so that we dont lose it on a school computer. Before even starting to edit, we promptly made sure to back up our work to mu hard drive. To lose anything at this point, would be terrible so Jordyn made sure to keep saving her work every so often. While this platform has gotten easier to use, it is still not very trust-worthy in our eyes, but you can see the progress we've made below.


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