day 2 of filming
Today was the second day of filming. I was able to completely finish all of my scenes. I went outside and filmed the last hallway scene. I was also able to film the writing and studying scene. I did all of the camera work, as well as the acting, with help from my friends. Today the weather was sunny, so the lighting was good. I was able to start on the editing, but I didn't get far. I completed the clips, and even helped my friend with a scene for their commercial. There were no props for todays filming. The only things I used were a highlighter, notebook, and old homework. This was for an inside scene. The next class, I will be doing all of the editing, hoping to finish. If I don't finish, I have the next class to do so. I was able to get the audio on a few clips done. I played the selected song over the video to enhance song quality. I plan on adding effects. I will also be adding transitions. I will try and blend some scenes seamlessly. Soon the commercial will be complete. There is still a lot of work to do but I plan on getting it done on time.
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