Short Film Research: Thriller: The Oracle- Ignorance Is Bliss
Is that who I think it is? Hello again dearest reader, I am happy to inform you that we have now reached the last film on our watch list for examination, Oracle by Aaron Poole, which we also encountered on the "Short of the Week" website. Camera Angles, Movement, and Shots: In this short film, we saw that there were a good number of camera shots used. Said camera shots included medium close-ups of the primary subject as they went about their daily life, whether that be in bed, in the living room, or traveling up the stairs. Close-up shots were also used when the primary subject seemed to grow more aware and attuned to their surroundings. When the film began to devolve into a more experimental piece, over-the-shoulder shots were used to conceal the face of the primary subject and highlight their detachment from reality and the presence, an interesting and effective choice. The same was true for the usage of long shots in the short. When looking at the camera angles used with...